It’s National Farmers Market Week

People shopping at a busy Cooperstown Farmers' Market. Tables of fresh produce

The Cooperstown Farmers’ Market on a busy Saturday.

It's National Farmers Market Week, a great time to shop at the Cooperstown Farmers Market, which Otsego 2000 started in 1991. The Market is open Tuesdays, 12 pm - 5pm and Saturdays, 9 am - 2 pm. A successful Farmers Market needs hard-working, friendly and creative farmers and artisans (check), a talented Manager (check), terrific volunteers (check), and awesome customers (that's you!).

The Cooperstown Farmers Market serves as a hub for local food and connection in our community. See below for additional benefits Farmers Markets bring communities, including increasing access for all to fresh local food, stimulating local economies, and supporting conservation.

Graphic about how Farmers Markets increase access to fresh local food

Along with markets around the country, the Cooperstown Farmers Market increases access to fresh local food. Working with the Cooperstown Lions Club, we offer SNAP Match, which provides up to $15 in matching funds to customers shopping with SNAP/EBT. We also partner with the Cooperstown Food Pantry connecting their clients with vouchers they can redeem at the Market. Email us with any questions about these programs or call 607/547-8881. You can also ask for the Market Manager Karrie Larsson at any Tuesday or Saturday Market.

graphic about the benefits of Farmers Markets in stimulating local economies
graphic about the benefits of Farmers' Markets: supporting conservation, connection and education

Honey Bee Day at the Market


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